Religiously, I grew up with influences from Catholicism, Baptist, Pentecostal and “pray Jesus into your heart” doctrines that filled me with contradictory and emotion driven “Christianity”. However, through all of this I still believed that everyone needed to be baptized to be saved and, until I was a baptized disciple, I had never been baptized. I was also very self-righteous and didn’t believe I was “that bad” or that I didn’t need to change much in my life. I went to the same church from age ten to age seventeen; it was a non-denomination church with heavy Pentecostal influences (I didn’t know this until after I was a disciple). However, no one asked about my purity, my convictions or knew the struggles in the household I lived in. Also, at seventeen I was being risen up to be the right hand to the youth minister with the hopes that I would lead the youth group after him. The reason why I stopped going to that church at age seventeen is because it fell apart from within due to deceit, bitterness and selfish motives in the church leadership. This was one of the hardest things I’ve ever witnessed, but I remember thinking of Revelations and about how God removes churches that don’t represent Him correctly. This was the start of me truly seeking God. I prayed continually for God to show me what He wanted to do with my life and I read my Bible every day hoping to find that answer.
During the approximate two years of me not going to church I grew a dream. I was preparing for college and I knew I was going to be an engineering major of some sort, but being an engineer was not my dream. I wanted to become an engineer with my masters in five years so that I can make a ton of money to fund my church planting in Puerto Rico. I wanted to buy land to build a huge house on; big enough to house poor orphaned children and start a church somewhere in San Juan. So when I went to ASU my prayer was to find a church so that I could get baptized and be saved. I had no idea what I was asking for.
On the week of August 31st in 2009 I was met on ASU campus by a sister and a brother who invited me to a Bible talk that Thursday. However, I didn’t go because I and the boyfriend I had at the time broke up hours before it started. Still, I believed God sent these people into my life and I wanted to see what He wanted to show me. After going to their Labor Day barbeque the next Monday (September 7, 2009) I quickly started to study the Bible and I was baptized twenty days later on September 27th. The biggest things I had to learn in those Bible studies is that I will never be perfect, I needed to repent before I was baptized to be truly saved and that I was extremely prideful to believe I was fit to lead any people to God with the heart and lifestyle I lived. I had “a form of godliness but denied its power” in my life. I was sexually immoral, impure, envious, prideful in all its forms, unforgiving, ungrateful, critical, deceitful, selfishly ambitious, and a lover of myself. I will be forever grateful to the women that studied the Bible with me and taught me what my true purpose needed to be. I thank God that He gave me an even greater dream, not just for Puerto Rico, but to evangelize the world. I remember the joy I had when I realized that my dream to plant a church could come true and how grateful I was that I wasn’t the only one out there who wanted to truly change lives and please God.
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